Strengthening Ties For Excellence in Health Education

The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (UAJK) had the honor of hosting Brigadier Shakir Sharif, Commandant/Medical Superintendent of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Hospital (SKBZ) CMH Muzaffarabad, our esteemed training institute for various BS Health programs, at the City Campus today.

Upon arrival, Brig. Shakir Sharif and his distinguished delegation received a warm welcome and were given a comprehensive briefing on the academic initiatives and programs offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences, UAJK. The delegation toured state-of-the-art laboratories, interacted with faculty members, and observed the advanced equipment facilitating cutting-edge health education and research.

Commending UAJK’s commitment to excellence, Brig. Shakir Sharif lauded the quality of health education being imparted and expressed admiration for the modern and sophisticated equipment installed in the university’s health labs. In his discussion with Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi, he assured full support for UAJK’s academic and research endeavors in the field of health sciences.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi briefed the delegation on UAJK’s vision for advancing health education and expressed gratitude for SKBZ CMH Muzaffarabad’s invaluable role in providing quality training to UAJK graduates.

At the conclusion of the visit, the Vice-Chancellor presented a memorial shield to Brig. Shakir Sharif as a token of appreciation for his visit and continued support.
Strengthening Ties For Excellence in Health Education