Vice Chancellor Office
Registrar Office
Finance Office
Advanced Studies

Department of Public Relation

The Public Relations Department of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is focused on building a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between UAJK and its internal and external public and helping shape the image of the university. It involved planning, coordination, and executing PR activities and events at the institution and highlighting the initiatives being taken by the university to promote quality education at higher levels.

The PR Department also feeds local, national mainstream print, and electronic media through daily press releases to help the public inform the latest updates about the university’s programs, events, conferences, seminars, and other newsworthy happenings.

The Department is extensively engaged in the production and circulation of institutional publications such as newsletters, prospectus, and annual reports.

The PR Department of the UAJK supervises and manages every event, and on and off-campus activities.

Department of Public Relations,

University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir,

Muzaffarabad (A.K)

Phone: +92-5822-920910 
Mobile: +92-300-5598887
Twitter: @OfficialUAJK

Department of Public Relation  Staff

Public Relations Officer

Syed Mubashar Hussain
Ph: (Off)  +92-5822-920910
Mobile: +92-300-5598887

Graphics Designer

Imran Ali Zaman
Phone: +92-5822-920910
Mobile: +92-301-3001058


Israr Naqvi
Phone: +92-5822-920910
Mobile: +92-345-9604228