Category Administration

University Organogram

University Organogram An organizational organogram, often referred to as an organizational chart or hierarchy chart, is a visual representation of the structure of an organization. It outlines the various roles, positions, and reporting relationships within the organization. An organogram typically…

University Policies and Guidelines

University Policies and Guidelines University Policies serve to promote the vision and mission statement of University; foster innovation, excellence, and collaboration; enhance operational efficiencies and governance. The University has formulated various policies to protect the rights of its faculty, staff…

Directorate of BS 4-year Program

Directorate of BS 4-year Program The Directorate BS 4-Year Programme was established on Jan 2nd, 2015. In all over the world, new techniques and ideas are being worked on for better quality of education. To follow the same pattern, the…

Department of Public Relation

Department of Public Relation The Public Relations Department of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is focused on building a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between UAJK and its internal and external public and helping shape the image of…

Business Incubation Centre (BIC)

Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Business incubation center (UAJK) was established in July 2015 with the support of HEC and the University of AJK. Basic purpose of incubation center is to spin out companies from the universities and empowering our students…

All Downloads

Downloads Examination Related Date Sheet For LLB 5 Year Program Annual Examination 2024Download Now!Press Release For M.A M.SC Supplementary Examination 2023Download Now!Revised Press Release For B.A. B.Sc Supplementary Examination 2023Download Now!LLB Part 1st Supplementary Examination 2022Download Now!LLB Part 3rd Supplementary…

Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Details Vice Chancellor Office Registrar Office Director Finance and Planning Controller of Examinations Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Dean Faculty of Science Dean Faculty of Engineering Dean Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Public Relations Office Advance…

Planning & Development

Planning & Development The Planning and Development Directorate is the backbone of the University which plays a vital role in its growth and development. Primarily it was established as a Planning and Development Section with the inception of the University…

Examination Department

Introduction Quantifiable evaluation of one’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs may be called as Educational Assessment. The word ‘assessment’ came into use in an educational context after the Second World War. (Nelson and Dawson, 2014). Generally UAJ&K relies on Standardized…