

Teacher-educators play an important role in shaping up the life and competence of prospective teachers, it is, therefore, essential for them to be adequately equipped with the required skills that will enable them to present themselves as a perfect role model for the prospective teachers. This indicates the importance of effective teaching learning systems in teacher education Programs. The Institute of Education is one of the pioneering Institutes of Pakistan and AJK which offered four years Degree Programs designed as per HEC guidelines and while keeping in view the New Education Policy 2009, the National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan and Accreditation Standards for Degree Programs. The Institute also accredited in category “Y” by National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE). The Institute offers:

A.D.E. in-service, later teachers Programs Four years B. Ed (Hons) earlier (Elementary/Secondary) M.Phil. in education two years’ degree program (General) All these Programs are designed to meet the market needs of education sector. The courses and activities are designed to cultivate practical skills for teaching and research in our standard teacher. To respond to the drastically changing scenario and needs of modern teaching requirement of our children in school, Institute of Education is committed excellence through preparing professional teachers, competent educational managers and visionary policy makers.

Excellent Resources

  • Well qualified faculty members
  • Advance curriculum in line with the parameters of scientific approach and needs of the modern era
  • Facility of high speed Internet and wireless internet environment
  • High Tech Video Conference Hall
  • Well-furnished and air conditioned rooms providing an excellent conducive environment for learning and research purposes Information Resource Center and Lincoln Corner reading center that aims to supply active and conducive learning environment.

Other Benefits

  • Become efficient professionals in teaching subjects/ courses of specialization in line with established principles of learning and teaching.
  • Develop the essential skills and understanding of the discipline so the quality education could be imparted to the students.
  • Adequately equip yourselves as professional teachers with innovative teaching learning methods.
  • Enable them to understand psychological principles of growth for developing holistic role models.
  • Instill the ability for guiding and counseling to solve personal and academic problems of students in order to motivate them towards meaningful academic pursuits.


  • The Institute of Education offers broad based and diversified Program of general and professional education. The aim is to prepare young generation to teach different subjects at all levels with professional competence and universal values. The variety of Programs offered at the Institute can be divided into the following categories:
  • Associate Degree in Education (ADE)
  • In-service Teacher Education Program
  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Short Courses
  • B. Ed (Hon’s)Elementary/ Secondary

Pre-service Teacher Education Programme Assisted By HEC/USAID

A new accreditation system is being introduced by HEC that aims at standardization of teaching and learning process in Pakistan. This requires a systematic change in the ongoing educational degree Program such as B. Ed, M. Ed, etc. Hence a new 4-year B. Ed (Hons) degree Program is being developed and launched in Pakistan/ AJK/NA by HEC in collaboration with USAID Teachers Education Project (PRESTEP). The USAID has provided technical and financial support to Government of Pakistan for this Program. The Program has been introduced in 25 universities including UAJK and Karakoram University. Under this Program, an excellent building having resource centre, and research facilities shall be constructed at Chehla Campus.

Teacher Training

The Institute of Education is pleased to announce that in collaboration of the Ministry of Education and higher studies, it is conducting training sessions for public school Teachers. Institute is also developing the skills and professionals of human resource of the state for upgradation of education quality and standards.


Unless otherwise explained, all normal Programs are run in morning and self-support Programs in evening. On the basis of specialized courses, these are usually offered in evening and can also be adjusted at weekends.

Cumulative Credits & Modular Programmes

Almost all courses, workshops and short programs are designed on credit hour basis. Hence, if you wish to join the Institute from off and on for short courses, your credits will be accumulated towards a degree or diploma or certificate level program. This means that by taking admission to that program you may be considered for exemption from the courses which you have already completed from time to time.

The new Degree Programmes according to new Education Policy (2009)

The New Education Policy for Pakistan was announced by the Prime Minister in September 2009. Among other features, three dimensions of new policy have led responsive universities in Pakistan towards revising and improving educational degree awarding systems and in-service teacher education program. These are;

  • New Pay scales for those holding 4-years B.Ed. (Hons) Degree and two years.
  • The new Accreditation Standards for Education Degree Program in Pakistan enforced in August 2009 which imply that educational institutions shall have to improve drastically otherwise these shall not be accredited.
  • The Ten (10) National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan (NPTSs) enforced in February 2010. The University of AJK has the Honour of pioneering the policy-led change in teacher education process and starting 4-year B.Ed. Hons Degree in February 2010.

B.Ed. Hons. (4-year)

Those who have a passion for teaching and are willing to take it as their profession and career, then this new B.Ed. Hons., degree would be their first choice. This is designed as 2+2 year Program. During first two years, the students shall study the conventional Bachelor’s level courses along with some courses in education and practical teaching. In the second two years, they will study pedagogy oriented content extensively. Hence, the students who, due to any compelling personal reasons, quit after completing initial two years shall be awarded Bachelor Degree in Education. They will be better educators especially for private sector that presently engages non trained teachers. The Scheme of studies for B.Ed (4-Year Program) has been designed in accordance with the HEC guidelines and the national needs for well-trained teacher educators and education managers.

Why to Choose BA/B.ED. Hons Programme?

After passing Intermediate level exam, the candidates may opt for BA/B.Ed. Hons program due to the following reasons:

  • According to New Education Policy, teaching jobs shall be assigned to those holding 4-years B.Ed. Hons. Or equivalent academic qualification.
  • Learning teacher-education process according to new Accreditation Standards for Education Degree Program, Pakistan enforced in August 2009.
  • Developing teaching competencies according to new National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan (NPTSs) enforced in February 2010.
  • Excellent resources, other benefits and job opportunities emerging rapidly for licensed teachers in Pakistan.

Job Opportunities

Since the Program has been modeled in accordance with national policy and national/ international standards, the successful candidates shall find ample job opportunities in both the public and private sectors. The Curriculum is designed in a way that they can switch over to other disciplines for pursuing higher degrees, thereby making their career interdisciplinary in nature. Thus the said degree Program can open various avenues of diverse careers for the successful graduates.

 Vision, Mission, and Goals

Institutional Mission The institute of Education is committed to quality education, research values-driven membership through innovations to serve the society and the changing world.
Institutional Vision To train aspiring educators with cutting-edge pedagogical knowledge, professional attitude towards education and professional ethics in order to contribute towards the human development of our nation and to explore alternative solutions though systematic research studies, thereby to contribute in the improvement of educational policies and practices.
  • To promote quality education in the state of AJK through developing instructional leaders.
  • Preparing teachers through rigorous coursework accompanied with extensive teaching practice.
  • Contributing to the existing body of knowledge on the issues and challenges of schooling and education with a special focus in the context of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Developing new educational technologies to facilitate the education sector of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
  • Conducting policy analyses through best research practices in the field of education and teacher education.
  • To train educational administrators /leaders for leading the educational institutions.


Contact Details

Phone: 92-5822-960485
