BS Sociology

Courses Offered in BS Sociology

1st Semester

Course Code   Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
ENG-3101 English-I (Compulsory-I) 3 0 3
ISD-3102 Islamic Studies (Compulsory-II) 2 0 2
EDU-3103 Education (General-I) 3 0 3
KSD-3104 Kashmir Studies (General-II) 3 0 3
SOC-3105 Introduction To Sociology (Foundation-I) 3 0 3
STA-3106 Statistics-I (Compulsory-III) 3 0 3

2nd Semester

Course Code   Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
ENG-3201 English-II (Compulsory-IV) 3 0 3
PSD-3202 Pakistan Studies (Compulsory-V) 2 0 2
ARB-3203 Arabic For Understanding Quran (General-III) 3 0 3
LAW-3204 Introduction to Law (General-IV) 3 0 3
SOC-3205 Social Anthropology (Foundation-II) 3 0 3
STA-3206 Statistics-II (Compulsory-VI) 3 0 3

3rd Semester

Course Code   Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
NG-4101 English-III (Compulsory-VII) 3 0 3
COM-4102 Introduction To Computer (Compulsory-VIII) 3 0 3
General-V 2 3 3
General-VI 3 0 3
SOC-4105 Development of Social Thought (Foundation- III) 3 0 3
SOC-4106 Social Psychology (Foundation-IV) 3 0 3

4th Semester

Course Code   Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
ARB-4201 Arabic (Compulsory-IX) 3 0 3
General-VII 3 0 3
General-VIII 3 0 3
SOC-4204 Classical Sociological Theories (Foundation-V) 3 0 3
SOC-4205 Pakistani Society & Culture  (Foundation- VI) 3 0 3
SOC-4206 Sociology of Gender Issues (Foundation- VII) 3 0 3

 5th Semester

Course Code    Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
SOC-5101 Contemporary Sociological Theories (Foundations-VIII) 3 0 3
SOC-5102 Sociology of Aging (Foundation-IX) Sociology 3 0 3
SOC-5103 Of Development (Major-I) Project Planning & 4 0 4
SOC-5104 Management (Major- II) 3 3 4
SOC-5105 Community Development (Major-III) 3 0 3

 6th Semester

Course Code    Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
SOC-5201 Social Research Methodology 3 3 4
SOC-5202 (Foundation-X) 3 0 3
SOC-5203 Rural Sociology (Major-IV) Urban 3 0 3
SOC-5204 Sociology (Major-V) Medical 3 0 3
Sociology (Major-VI) Elective-I 3 0 3

 7th Semester

Course Code    Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
SOC-6101 Population Studies (Major-VII) 3 3 4
SOC-6102 Advance Research  Methodology (Major- VIII) 4 0 4
SOC-6103 Social Change &   Development (Major- IX) 4 0 4
Elective-II 3 0 3
Elective-III 3 0 3

 8th Semester

Course Code    Course   Lec. Hrs   Lab. Hrs  Credit Hrs
SOC-6201 Sociology of Religion (Major-X) 3 0 3
SOC-6202 Sociology of Education (Major-XI) 3 0 3
Elective-IV 3 0 3
SOC-6207 Research Project and Theses (Major-XII) 6
SOC-6208 Internship S/U Basis
SOC-6209 Oral Comprehensive Exam S/U Basis

Courses Offered in Major and Elective courses

Major courses including research project/internship (43 Credit Hours)
Course Code   CourseTitle  Credit Hrs Proposed Semester
SOC-5103 Sociology of Development 4(3-0) 5
SOC-5104 Project Planning & Management 4(3-3) 5
SOC-5105 Community Development 3(3-0) 5
SOC-5202 Rural Sociology 3(3-0) 6
SOC-5203 Urban Sociology 3(3-0) 6
SOC-5204 Comparative Social Institutions 3(3-0) 6
SOC-6101 Population Studies 4(3-3) 7
SOC-6102 Medical Sociology 4(3-0) 7
SOC-6103 Social Change & Development 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6201 Sociology of Religion 3(3-0) 8
SOC-6202 Sociology of Education 3(3-0) 8
SOC-6207 Research Project & Thesis 6(3-0) 8
SOC-6208 Internship S/U 8
SOC-6209 Oral Comprehension S/U 8
General Courses to be Chosen from other departments (24 Credit Hours)
EDU-3103 Education 3(3-0) 1
KSD-3104 Kashmir Studies 3(3-0) 1
GIS-3107 Geographical Information System 3(3-0) 1
AUQ-3203 Arabic for Understanding Quran 3(3-0) 2
LAW-3204 Introduction to Law 3(3-0) 2
ENV-3207 Introduction to Environment 3(3-0) 2
ESC-4103 Everyday Science 3(3-0) 3
PSY-4104 Psychology 3(3-0) 3
BAD-4107 Introduction to management 3(3-0) 3
ECO-4202 Introduction to Economics 3(3-0) 4
IR-4203 International Relations 3(3-0) 4
MPH-4207 Public Health 3(3-0) 4
Elective Courses within the major (24 Credit Hours)
SOC-5205 Industrial Sociology 3(3-0) 6
SOC-5206 Peace and Conflict Resolution 3(3-0) 6
SOC-5207 Sociology of Social Work 3(3-0) 6
SOC-6104 Human Resource Development 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6105 Sociology of Human Rights 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6106 Governance and  Social Policy 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6107 Corporate Social Responsibilities 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6108 Electronic Media & Virtual Society 3(3-0) 7
SOC-6203 Criminology 3(3-0) 8
SOC-6204 Sociology of Family 3(3-0) 8
SOC-6205 Social Informatics 3(3-0) 8
SOC-6206 NGO Management 3(3-0) 8