Code of Conduct for Students
Code of Conduct
Approved by the Syndicate 22nd June, 2011
(Effective from 31st July, 2011)
The University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir affirms that the central purpose of a Faculty is the pursuit of truth, the discovery of new knowledge through scholarly research, the teaching and overall development of students. However, the establishment and maintenance of a community where there is freedom to teach and to learn is dependent on maintaining an appropriate sense of order that allows for the pursuit of these objectives in an environment that is both safe and free of invidious disruption.
Rules and regulations are necessary to mark the boundaries of this needed order
”False Address can lead to Arrest” Preamble
The students, faculty and administration of the University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (UAJK) are all collectively and individually responsible for maintaining the academic integrity of this institution. This Code of conduct governs the academic conduct of each student University wide and it shall be used to govern and adjudicate all matters of student academic conduct to the extent it is practicable for it to do so. Students at UAJK are obligated to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the University’s mission as an institution of higher education. Students are obligated to refrain from acts that they know, or should know, will impair the academic integrity of the University. Actions, which may be considered acceptable or normative outside of University, are not necessarily acceptable at UAJK and shall not interfere in overall academic conduct. All shall be treated equally and be guided by the current code. This Code of Conduct may from time to time be revised and amended.
This Code of Conduct has been formulated to provide a clear statement of the University’s expectations of students in respect of academic matters and personal behavior.
Study at the University presents opportunities for interacting with other members of the University community. The University recognizes and values the diversity of student experiences and expectations, and is committed to treating students, both academically and personally, in a fair and transparent manner. All students, in return, are required to comply with the requirements set down in this Code of Conduct.
The University reaffirms its commitment to:
- High academic standards, intellectual rigor and a high quality education;
- Intellectual freedom and social responsibility;
- Recognition of the importance of ideas and the pursuit of critical and open inquiry;
- Tolerance, honesty and respect as the hallmarks of relationships throughout the University community; and
- High standards of ethical behavior. All students are required to be aware of and act consistently with these values.
This Code of Conduct applies to all students of the UAJK in respect of all actions and activities (including inaction or inactivity) relating to or impacting on the University or its students and employees. It must be read in conjunction with the statutes, rules, and calendar of the University.
- The code applies to the on-campus conduct of all students and registered student organizations. The code also applies to the off-campus conduct of students and registered student organizations in direct connection with:
- Academic course requirements or any credit- bearing experiences, such as internships, field trips, study abroad, or student teaching;
- Any activity supporting pursuit of a degree, such as research at another institution or a professional practice assignment;
- Any activity sponsored, conducted, or authorized by the university or by registered student organizations;
- Any activity that causes substantial destruction of property belonging to the university or members of the university community or causes serious harm to the health or safety of members of the university community; or
- Any activity in which a police report has been filed, a summons or indictment has been issued, or an arrest has occurred for a crime of violence.The university reserves the right to administer the code and proceed with the hearing process even if the student withdraws from the university, is no longer enrolled in classes, or subsequently fails to meet the definition of a student while a disciplinary matter is pending.
Students continue to be subject to city, state, and federal laws while at the university, and violations of those laws may also constitute violations of the code. In such instances, the university may proceed with university disciplinary action under the code independently of any criminal proceeding involving the same conduct and may impose sanctions for violation of the code even if such criminal proceeding is not yet resolved or is resolved in the student’s favor.
Term of Conduct
Students have a duty to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the University that determine what their responsibilities are.
- Students shall abide by the published rules, regulations, and policies of the University or of any authorized rule making body within the University.
- Students shall not interfere, directly, indirectly, or by threat, with the communication or pursuit of a complaint under the Code.
- Students shall respect the freedom of individuals to study, teach, work, engage in research and socialize. Students shall refrain from conduct that attempts to limit these freedoms or any other freedoms guaranteed by law.
- Student conduct shall respect the lawful rights of others to possess, use, or enjoy private or University property.Violation of the aforementioned terms of conduct is an offence under the Code, subject to disciplinary sanction. The above terms apply with equal force to individual students and student groups or organizations.
Students’ Rights
As members of the UAJK, students enjoy the following rights:
Equal Opportunity in Education
Every student has a right to be free from discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic origin, political affiliation, age, gender and disability.
Right to Academic Freedom
Students have the right to freedom of expression as defined in the University calendar, and a right to freedom of assembly and association, as long as the exercise of such freedoms does not interfere with the effective conduct of classes, complies with University policies and respect for the rights of others.
Rights Concerning Educational Process
- While students are required to know the material presented by the teacher, students are also free to reserve and express personal judgment in a constructive manner.
- While faculty and administrators have decision making authority in educational matters, students may make suggestions in a constructive manner regarding revising and improving the educational process.
- Students have the right to be informed of grading criteria and to fair evaluation by the teacher, as well as a right to appeal a grade based on mathematical error or misapplication of grading criteria.
Privacy Rights
Students have a right to protection against unauthorized disclosure of information contained in their financial, medical, and educational records.
Rights Pertaining to Student Organizations
Students shall be free to organize and join student organizations to promote their common interests within the framework of the Student Council. Student organizations shall be free to examine and to discuss all questions of interest in accordance with laws defined in University calendar.
Recognized student organizations may be afforded the privilege to use available University buildings, facilities and services after teaching hours in accordance with the University administrative policies and procedures.
Freedom from Harassment
Students have a right to be free from any kind of harassment by any member of the University’s community and have the right to apply to the Disciplinary Committee for redress.
Due Process
Students have a right to due process in any University proceeding against them. This includes the right to be heard, a right to review and decision by impartial persons or bodies, and a right to adequate notice.
Grievance Redressal Process
Students have a right to file a grievance regarding the violation of any student right with the Disciplinary/Grievance Committee in accordance with its procedures.
It shall be the responsibility of each student to become familiar with the provisions of this Code. Upon enrollment at UAJK each student will be given a copy of the Code and will sign a form acknowledging that he/she has read, understood and agreed to follow this Code.
- Each student is obligated to refrain from committing any act of academic dishonesty. These are acts that a student knows or under the circumstances should know impair the academic integrity of UAJK, as described in detail in this Code.
- A student who commits an act of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action as described in this Code and University calendar.A faculty member who discovers a violation of this Code may impose the following measures:
- Oral warning to the student;
- Written warning to the student;
- Reduction in score in the academic evaluation involved or one of its components;
- Retake of the academic evaluation involved or one of its components;
- Failure in the course.Disciplinary measures should be applied in a timely manner, as soon as practicable after the discovery of the violation.
- Faculty should seek, as needed, the advice of the Dean (DSA or DDSA) on how to handle such violations. If the student is from a different program or department, faculty members are encouraged to confer with the Chairman of that program (or his/her designee) about the student.
- In a particularly serious case (e.g., involving a repeat offense), the faculty member may recommend that the Dean request that the student be suspended or dismissed from theprogram. The final decision on such matters shall be made by the Vice Chancellor (or his/her designee).
- In general, students should address their concerns regarding disciplinary measures under this Code, first to the faculty member. If the student believes that there has been a serious error in the application of the disciplinary measure, the student may discuss the matter with the Dean (DSA or DDSA).
- After appeal to the Dean (or the Dean’s designee), if a student believes the disciplinary measure relating to the violation of academic integrity or misconduct is manifestly erroneous or grossly unfair, the student may appeal to the Vice Chancellor.
- Each Program/Department shall make an annual report at the end of each academic year, summarizing on a no-names basis the violations addressed and the corresponding disciplinary measures applied during that academic year.
Personal Conduct
All students must:
- treat all employees, honorary appointees, consultants, contractors, volunteers any other members of the public and other students with respect, dignity, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity;
- maintain a cooperative and collaborative approach to inter-personal relationships;
- act honestly and ethically in their dealings with University employees, honorary appointees, consultants, contractors, volunteers, any other members of the public and other students;
- respect the privacy of employees, honorary appointees, consultants, contractors, volunteers any other members of the public and other students;
- Ensure that they do not act in a manner unnecessarily or unreasonably impedes the ability of employees, honorary appointees, consultants, contractors, volunteers any other members of the public or other students to access or use the resources of the University, including the University, Library, lecture rooms and laboratories.
Academic Conduct
All students must:
- Ensure that their enrolment and progress in their award course is lawful and consistent with the statutes, rule and calendar of the University.
- Read all official correspondence from the University, including email;
- Act ethically and honestly in the preparation, conduct, submission and publication of academic work, and during all forms of assessment, including formal examinations and informal tests;
- Avoid any activity or behavior that would unfairly advantage or disadvantage another student academically;
- Conform to the University’s requirements for working with humans, animals and biohazards;
- Behave professionally, ethically and respectfully in all dealings with the University’s learning partners during extramural placements and practicum; and
- Use University resources, including information and communication technology resources, in a lawful and ethical manner and for University purposes only, unless express permission has been granted for non-University or private usage.
Classrooms Standards
The individual teacher is primarily responsible for managing the classroom environment. If a student engages in any prohibited or unlawful acts or other behavior that results in disruption of a class, he or she may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Students must be protected against infringement of their rights and unfair practices.
Identification Card
- Each member of the University community is issued a picture Identification card, and must wear it at all times while on University premises or at University sponsored activities. Identification cards must be presented upon entering University buildings and must be worn while on University premises.
- Identification cards are not transferable. The owner of the card will be called upon to account for any fraudulent use of his or her identification card and will be subject to disciplinary action by the University if he or she has aided such fraudulent use. The card will be forfeited if the student to whom it was issued allows any other person to use the same.
- Upon card owner’s withdrawal from the University, all rights and privileges related to the identification card automatically cease. If the student withdraws, or is suspended or expelled, from the University, the identification card must be surrendered to the Faculty.
Visitors and Guests
Students may be held accountable for the acts of misconduct of their guests while on University premises or at University sponsored activities. Visitors, including invitees shall conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner which is consistent and in line with maintenance of orderly behavior in the University premises.
Dress Code
In order to maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the institution, students and staff of the university are required to wear decent dress keeping in view the local cultural and religious values. The dress restriction is not to impose any rigidity or regimentation but is in accordance with the spirit of discipline, punctuality and religious matter. Purpose of Dress Code is to establish the basic guide lines for appropriate work dress that promotes a positive image of UAJK and also allow maximum flexibility to maintain good morale, respect, cultural/religious values and due consideration for safety while staying at all campuses. All the female students essentially wear Shalwar Qameez and Dupatta or Gown. All the male students should also wear decent dress (Dress pent, and collar Shirts) or Shalwar Qameez.
To abide by the student dress code, student should not: –
- Wear tight or see-through dress.
- Wear shorts, or sleeve-less shirts.
- Wear T-shirts/dress bearing language or Art, which appears to be provocative or indecent and is likely to offend others.
- Wear torn clothing.
- Wear jogging or exercise clothing during classes.
- Put on excessive makeup or wear expensive jewellery.
- Wear untidy, gaudy or immodest dress in classrooms, cafeteria and university offices.
- Wear unprofessional attire in formal programs and interviews.
- Draw unnecessary attention to themselves through their clothing, accessories, hairstyles, body markings or piercings.
- Wear dress which is sexually provocative is not acceptable.
- Sunglasses are permitted but must be removed when indoors.
- Hair must be clean and its style should not draw unnecessary attention. Long hair must be tied back.
- Bare feet are not permitted.
Gender Mixing
Students are strictly reminded to follow the accepted social and cultural norms of the society. Undue intimacy and unacceptable proximity, openly or in isolated areas will not be tolerated. Furthermore, the female students are banned to sit with male teachers in their offices or inside laboratories behind the closed doors. The exchange of helping material i.e. notes, books, teaching assignments are only allowed in the classrooms and laboratories.
Even in the classrooms male and female students shall sit in separately or as advised/ directed by the class teacher. Both male and female will sit in the cafeteria at their allocated places. They are strictly bound to not mix up or sit on places not assigned to them. Within the premises of university gender mixing is seriously prohibited and violation will result in major punishments.
Cell Phones
The use of cell phone is strictly prohibited within the premises of the university. All faculty members have the authority to confiscate the mobile phones. Disobedience can result in major penalties.
Prohibited Conduct
Any student found to have engaged, or attempted to engage, in any of the following conduct while within the university’s jurisdiction, will be subject to disciplinary action by the university. The following is an illustrative list of the types of conduct, including actual conduct and attempts to engage in such conduct, which are prohibited by this code.
- Causing any condition that jeopardizes the safety of individuals, groups of individuals, or the University community; participating in conduct or behaviour explicitly endangers the safety and wellbeing of oneself or others.
- Tampering with safety measures or devices, such as fire extinguishers, exit signs, locked exterior or interior doors.
- Failing to conform to safety regulations, such as falsely reporting an incident.
- Falsely reporting the presence or threat of a bomb or any other dangerous device or condition.
- Having the knowledge of and not reporting an event or act that would potentially endanger members of the University community.
Identification/Registration Cards
Failure to wear, or to produce or surrender the identification card upon the request of a Faculty/ University official.
- Possession of weapons including firearms, items that eject projectiles, knives, or any item that any reasonable person would consider to have the possibility of doing bodily harm.
- Possessing, using, storing, or transporting firearms, other weapons, explosives, fireworks, ammunition, tear gas or dangerous chemicals, except as authorized for use in class, or in connection with University-sponsored research or other approved activities.
- Engaging in verbal or physical behaviour directed at an individual or group based on national origin, race, creed, gender, religious beliefs that, according to a person of reasonable sensibilities, is likely to create an intimidating or demeaning environment that impedes the access of other students, faculty and staff to the educational benefits available to them as a member of the University community.
- Wearing articles of clothing with derogatory, racist, discriminatory, patently offensive, profane, sexually explicit, or graphic messages either in words or pictures, which demonstrate bias or discrimination against any individual or group within the University community.
- Engaging in verbal, electronic, visual, written or physical behaviour directed at an individual or group that, in the view of a person of reasonable sensibilities, is likely to provoke or otherwise result in, a negative or injurious response, mental or emotional distress, or related reaction or consequence.
- Creating an intimidating or demeaning situation or environment or inflicting personal, social, academic, psychological or emotional harm, or undue stress.
Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury upon the person of another, when coupled with an apparent present ability to do so, and any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear bodily harm constitutes an assault. An assault may be committed without actually touching or striking, or doing bodily harm. Self-defense may be a mitigating factor to this charge, depending on the circumstances.
An encounter in which physical contact occurs or is threatened between two or more persons with weapons, blows or other personal violence and that may include pushing, shoving, and other acts of physical abuse. Self-defense may be a mitigating factor to this charge, depending on the circumstance.
- Stalking is defined as willfully, maliciously and repeatedly following or harassing another person in a manner that would cause a reasonable person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.
- Stalking is behaviour in which a student repeatedly engages in a course of conduct directed at another person and makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her family; where the threat is reasonably determined by the University to seriously alarm, torment, or terrorize the person. Stalking can either be physical or electronic.
Hazing is defined as an act, which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student. It may include, but is not limited to, the destruction or removal of public or private property, or any activity conducted on or off-campus that causes or intends to cause an unreasonable expenditure of funds, embarrassing, intimidating or demeaning behavior, exposure to situations that could result in physical or emotional harm, or causes undue stress, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in any sanctioned or unsanctioned group or organization at the University.
Forgery, Fraud, Dishonesty
Forging the name of a University employee, another student or any other person or entity, altering or misusing official University forms, documents, records, stored data, electronic data bases and University enterprise systems, identification of, or knowingly furnishing false information to University officers, officials, faculty and/or employees or providing such information involving or referring to the University to off-campus organizations, institutions, or individuals.
Making false statements in public or private, including knowingly filing false charges under the code. Aiding and abetting another individual in the conduct of such actions also constitutes a violation of this provision. The University has registered its name, logo and seal as trademarks. As such, these marks are protected under applicable federal and local laws. Students may not use the seal, logo(s), motto, trademarks, or other intellectual property of the University without written permission from the University’s Registrar Office. -
Property Damage
- The attempt of, or unauthorized removal, use of, or the defacing of University property, or property under University custody or control resulting in its destruction or damage.
- Destroying, defacing, removing or damaging the property of others on University premises or at University sponsored activities.
The stealing or attempted theft of property and/or services; knowingly possessing or transporting stolen property; or improperly using or converting the property of another for personal use.
Unauthorized Entry, Use, or Trespassing
Entering or using University facilities or property, or property in the custody or control of the University, for an improper purpose, or without proper authorization, or assisting others in doing so.
Organization and Event Registration
Failing to comply with policies and regulations governing the registration of student organizations, events on campus, or the use of University facilities or resources.
Failure to Comply/Non-Compliance
- Failing to comply with or respond to the directions or instructions of an authorized University official, faculty, or staff member acting in the performance of his or her duties or any other person responsible for a University facility or registered function acting in accordance with those responsibilities.
- The student identification card shall be carried by students at all times and surrendered upon the reasonable request of any University Official, Faculty Member, Staff Member and all Residence Hall Personnel.
- Failure to comply with any disciplinary procedure, within the identified time frame, will result in a hearing with sanctions applied.
The Campus is a no-smoking area, and at no time in any premises of the Campus smoking is allowed.
Political Gathering
Disruptive Conduct
- Acting in a manner that impairs, interferes with, or obstructs the orderly conduct, processes, or functions of the University or of any person or persons on University owned or operated property or at any University-sponsored event. Students whose behaviour, communications, and/or attire may be considered disruptive while participating in academicprograms, University activities, programs and general operations. Behaviours would include: use of electronic devices such as pagers, cell phones, video games, Walkman’s, personal music players, playing computer games during class sessions, laboratory or clinical practicum’s or clerkships and periods of academic instruction, remediation, or tutorial assistance. Disruptive conduct would also include the wearing of apparel clothing in class, or during academic instruction is lewd, profane or sexually explicit; attire that conveys messages in print or in picture form that are profane, vulgar, patently offensive, racist or discriminatory, and this conduct disrupts the teacher’s ability to maintain decorum or provide academic instruction in the classroom, laboratory, or other instructional environments.
- This also includes students who engage in disruptive behaviours or communications with a teacher, such as swearing or cursing, which impedes the ability of the teacher to present academic information in the classroom or laboratory, clerkship, conduct academic advisement, counseling, or tutorial assistance.
Unauthorized use of Computer or Electronic Communication Devices
Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources including, but not limited to: –
- Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose
- Unauthorized transfer of a file.
- Use of another individual’s identification and/or password.
- Interference with the work of another student, faculty member or University official.
- Sending obscene, abusive or threatening messages
- Transmission of computer viruses.
- Interfering with normal operation of the
- University computing system.
- Unauthorized duplication of software or other violation of copyright laws.
- Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized, mischievous or malicious use of University computer equipment or networks, or electronic communication devices, or the use of such equipment or devices to gain unauthorized access to, and/or use of, off-campus computer equipment.
Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student’s examination; submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination for another person or conspiring to do so.
Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
Facilitating academic dishonesty
Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts or information.
Unauthorized Collaboration
Providing, either knowingly or through negligence, one’s own work to assist a student in satisfying a course requirement, or representing material prepared by or with another as one’s own independent work. In instances where students are permitted to work jointly to complete an assignment, instructors will offer clear guidelines about when and how to collaborate; if a student is unsure, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the instructor.
Unfair means
Use of unfair means generally covers following: –
- An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/examination.
- Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination.
- Any form of communication by the examinees with any one in or outside the test/examination room while the test/ examination is in progress.
- Unauthorized entry into faculty’s office in un-authorized/un-ethical or that of his staff with the intention of having an access to or tempering with the official record/exam paper etc.
Violation of Criminal Codes of the Local, State, or Federal Governments
On or off-campus actions or activities violate criminal law also violate the Code.
Unauthorized acquisition and/or use of funds belonging to, or under the stewardship of, any University unit, organization, or individual.
Contempt of or Interference with any Disciplinary Program Actions or Activities
- Failure to respect the disciplinary program or process, including failing to appear for hearing if called to do so, interfering with attendance by any person or persons mandated to attend a meeting or hearing, or interfering with the hearing or disciplinary process of any disciplinary board or administrative hearing.
- Acting in a threatening or harassing manner towards hearing participants before, during or after a hearing.
Media Contact
Students are expressly prohibited from speaking on behalf of, or for, Faculty/ University with any media organization or publication, or from inviting the same to any University-owned or operated property, facility, or even without the express written permission of the Office of University Authorities.
Presenting False Testimony
Knowingly making false statements regarding a disciplinary matter before, during or after the disciplinary adjudication process.
Abuse of the Student Conduct System
Abusing the student conduct system including, but not limited to: –
- Failure to obey the notice from a University official to appear for a meeting or hearing as part of the student conduct system.
- Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a hearing body or designated hearing officer of the University.
- Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a hearing proceeding.
- Causing a violation of University Code of Conduct hearing to convene in bad faith.
Students Organizations
Political meetings, distribution of posters and political material and use of loudspeakers are not allowed inside campus premises.
Indecent Behavior at the Campus
- Indecent behavior exhibited at the campus including classes, cafeteria, laboratories etc, defying the norms of decency, morality and religious/cultural/social values by single or group of students.
- Damage to the university fixtures/furniture, scribbling/carving on desks, wall chalking, misusing of lab/university equipment, etc.
- Use of mobile phone in class rooms, examination halls, labs and library.
Off-Campus Conduct
Conduct occurring off University premises be such that it should not affect the interest/Image of the University.
Enforcement of Code of Conduct
Matters of indiscipline would be referred to the Faculty/university authorities, which are authorized to check indiscipline matters and decide as per University rules, regulations and policy. Parents of those students who disobey authority and violate the code of conduct will be informed. Students may be held
accountable for the acts of misconduct of their guests while on University premises or at University- sponsored activities. Students who are charged with violations of this Code are subject to disciplinary action as per University rules/regulations/Statutes.
Punishment or Penalty for Acts of Miss-conduct
Punishment or penalty for acts of ill-discipline shall be according to the gravity of the case and may be any one or more of the following: –
Minor Punishments
- Warning in writing. Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action.
- Probation. Probation for a specific period.
- Fine. Fine this may amount up to Rs.3000.
- Hostel Suspension / Permanent Removal. Expulsion from the hostel for a specified period, or permanent removal from the residence hall.
- Withholding of certificate. Withholding of a certificate of good moral character.
- Removal of privileges. Deprivation from the privileges enjoyed by the students.
- F Grade. Award of “F” grade in a paper.
Major Punishments
- Expulsion. Expulsion from the class for a specific period up to one semester.
- Fine. Fine this may amount up to Rs.10000.
- Exam Result. Cancellation of examination result.
- Rustication. Expulsion or rustication from the University/college as given in University calendar.
- Degree. Non conferment of degree/ transcript.
- Relegation/withdrawal. Other sanctions or a combination of above mentioned punishments as deemed appropriate.
Discipline Process
Case referrals
Each case of ill-discipline shall be reported to the Dean through Departmental Discipline Committee and he/she will refer the case to the Central Disciplinary Committee.
Procedure-disciplinary hearing
A disciplinary hearing is a formal process conducted by the Central Discipline Committee (DDC). This formal process is designed to gather and consider relevant information regarding the alleged violation/s of the Code and to determine and recommend a punishment. Every effort will be made to expedite proceedings pursuant to allegations within a reasonable period.
Central Discipline Committee will recommend the punishment according to the gravity of the case after giving full opportunity to the defaulter to give his point of view before recommending the punishment.
An appeal against the Central Discipline Committee’s decision can be filed with the Vice Chancellor within fifteen days of the announcement of the decision.
Appeal Process
Right to appeal
A student found to have violated this code has the right to appeal the original decision. An appeal of a decision must be submitted in writing and to the Vice Chancellor, within ten (10) calendar days after the date on which written notice of the decision is sent to the student. Each student shall be limited to one appeal. The decision of the Vice Chancellor is final.
Grounds for appeal
An appeal may be based only upon one or more of the following grounds:
- Procedural error;
- Misapplication or misinterpretation of the rule alleged to have been violated;
- Findings of facts not supported by a preponderance of evidence;
- Discovery of substantial new facts were unavailable at the time of the hearing; and
- That the disciplinary sanction imposed is grossly disproportionate to the violation committed.
Appeal proceedings
- The Vice Chancellor shall dismiss the appeal if the appeal is not based upon one or more of the grounds set forth in Section (B) above.
- The Vice Chancellor may decide the appeal based upon a review of the record.
- The Vice Chancellor may ask additional written information or an oral presentation from any relevant person(s) and then decide the appeal based upon the enhanced record.
Possible dispositions by the appeal officer
The Vice Chancellor may, after a review of the record, uphold the original sanction, dismiss the original sanction, or impose a lesser sanction. Vice Chancellor may also remand the case to the original hearing body or refer the case to a new hearing officer or panel to be reheard. If possible, a new hearing officer or panel should be different from the one that originally decided the case. If a case is reheard by a hearing officer or panel, the sanction imposed can be greater than imposed at the original hearing.
Revisions of the Student Code of Conduct and Judiciaries
Periodic Review
The Faculty Code of Conduct Committee will conduct a full formal review of the Code at least every one
(1) year or at such other times as it deems appropriate to determine if the Code should undergo a full revision process.
Procedure for Revision
If it is determined that the Code is in need of full revision, the procedure for developing a new document for recommendation to the Board of Trustees will be as follows:
- A committee composed of faculty, administrative staff and students will be appointed by Dean to review the “Code” portion of the document and to make recommendations for changes.
- The draft of the revised Code is completed by Committee and forwarded to the Dean for review and comment.
- The final draft will be submitted for review to the Academic Council.
Forwarding for Approval
The final document will be forwarded, through the Dean to the Vice Chancellor for final review and for presentation to the Syndicate for approval.