Duration: 4 – 5 Years Semesters:  8 – 10 Credit Hours: 142 Research Thesis: 03 Credit Hours (Optional) Internship: Compulsory on S/U basis Eligibility Criteria: F.A/F.Sc or Equivalent with at least 45 % marks Note: General rules applicable in the University of AJK for BS Programs shall be followed for determining age and merit formula for admission in BS International Relations.

1st Semester

Course Code   Course Credit Hrs
ENG-3101 English – I 03
PSD-3102 Pakistan Studies 02
MAT-3103 Introduction to Mathematics 03
BIR-3104 Introduction to International Relations 03
POL-3105 Introduction to Political Science 03
LAW-3106 Introduction to Law 03
 Total  17

 2nd Semester

Course Code   Course Credit Hrs
ENG-3201 English – II 03
ISD-3202 Islamic Studies 02
STA-3203 Introduction to Statistics 03
BIR-3204 Evolution of State 03
ECO-3205 Introduction to Economics 03
ARB-3206 Arabic for understanding of Quran 03

 3rd Semester

Course Code   Course Credit Hrs
ENG-4301 English – III 03
COM-4302 Introduction to Computer Skills 03
BIR-4303 Approaches and Theories of International Relations 03
GEO-4304 Introduction to Geography 03
JCS-4305 Introduction to Journalism and Communication Studies 03
BIR-4306 International Relations: 1648 – 1945 03

 4th Semester

Course Code    Course Credit Hrs
KSD-4401  Kashmir Studies 03
BIR-4402 Globalization and International Relations 03
ESC-4404 Everyday Science 03
BIR-4405 International Relations since 1945 03
BIR-4406 Geo – Political structure of the world 03
BIR-4407 Public International Law – I 03

 5th Semester

Course Code    Course Credit Hrs
BIR-5501 Foreign Policy Analysis 03
BIR-5502 Introduction to International Security 03
BIR-5503 Research Methodology 03
BIR-5504 Regional and International Organizations 03
BIR-5505 Public International Law – II 03
BIR-5506 International Political Economy 03

 6th Semester

Course Code    Course Credit Hrs
BIR-5601 Foreign Policy of Pakistan 03
BIR-5602 Strategic Studies 03
BIR-5603 International Politics of Human Rights 03
BIR-5604 Diplomacy 03
BIR-5605 Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution 03
BIR-5605 Comparative Politics 03

 7th Semester

Course Code    Course Credit Hrs
BIR-6701 Comparative Foreign Policies of US, Russia and China 03
BIR-6702 Nuclear Studies 03
BIR-6703 Regional connectivity and CPEC 03
Elective – I 03
Elective – II 03
BIR-6704 International Politics of Environment 03
BIR-6705 Internship S/U Basis

 8th Semester

Course Code    Course Credit Hrs
BIR-6801 or BIR-6802 Research Thesis or  Government and Politics of Pakistan 03
BIR-6803 Arms control, Disarmament and Nuclear  Non – Proliferation 03
BIR-6804 Dynamics of Kashmir conflict 03
BIR-6805 Peace Studies 03
Elective – III 03
Elective – IV 03

Elective Courses

List of Elective Courses  Note:

  1. I) The HoD shall choose the Elective courses from the List of the Elective Courses in Semesters VII and VIII on the basis of the availability of the Teachers and the choice of the majority of the students in the class.
  2. II) In semester VIII, students shall opt Thesis or a course give in the Scheme of Studies and allocation of Thesis work to a student shall be based on his/her outstanding performance in the whole semester and willingness to carry out research.